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Hey, I'm Byron

Data Scientist
Mechanical Engineer

My name is Dr. Byron Gaskin. I am an engineer by training and data scientist by profession.

I graduated from Florida International University in my hometown of Miami, FL with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. Then I went off to the Pennsylvania State University in State College, Pennsylvania, where I completed a Masters of Science in Mechanical Engineering and a PhD in Bioengineering. All of my degrees were combined with a research focus on high-performance computing for physics and biophysics applications with my PhD dissertation being titled "Coupled Biophysical Simulations of Cell-Cell Interaction and Drug Delivery Microrobots."

I actively develop artificial intelligence technologies and give regular talks on the various implementations and implications of AI. My passions include working on projects where the digital world meets the physical world, exploring how society interacts with emerging technologies, and understanding how technology affects minority communities.

Outside of the tech world, I am an avid photographer, licensed skydiver, constant traveler, self-proclaimed foodie, and lover of the outdoors!

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